Tech Support
At we are dedicated to providing our users with the best possible service. In order to resolve your problems as quickly as possible we have several options to help you find answers to your questions and concerns.
OPTION #1 FAQ - Click Here for a complete list of our most common questions and answers.
OPTION #2 TECH SUPPORT DATABASE - Our tech support database has answers to most common questions. Just enter any keywords that you have questions about.
Search examples: If you had problems with FTP then you would type "ftp" into the search box below or if you had forgotten your password then you would type "password" into the search box. One word searches will yield the best results. Avoid using multiple words, or phrases.
Visit our tech support forum to get detailed answers from other users willing to help out
OPTION #4 EMAIL SUPPORT - You may also contact us via email using our tech support page. Please keep in mind that we receive several hundred emails daily. However, you should have an answer to your request within one business day. In addition, our PAID account users take advantage of priority tech support email response.
OPTION #5 CALL SUPPORT - If none of the above options resolve your problem you may call support. Phone support is for PAID ACCOUNTS ONLY. If you are a free account please don't call support. We have many hundreds of thousands of free accounts and simply can't support you over the phone. Upgrades start for as little as $6.95 per month and include free phone support. To reach support call 1-888-805-4495. Our friendly support staff will gladly help you with any problem you might have.